Kim Salmon's Smoked Salmon (album launch)
Kim Salmon's Smoked Salmon (album launch)
Press Play Presents...

Kim Salmon's Smoked Salmon (album launch)

with Special Guests
Northcote Social Club (Northcote, VIC)
Saturday, 12 April 2025 8:30 pm
83 days away
18 Plus
Australian Artists

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Since forming, … Kim Salmon’s latest incarnation ‘Smoked Salmon’ has toured France, Japan and Australia, released 3 records and made a couple of videos.
It has 12 players scattered over 2 countries and release their self-titled 12 track debut album on February 28th.
The material follows the template set by Kim’s 47 year career performing and writing gems for such legends as the Scientists, The Beasts Of Bourbon, STM and Antenna. Smoked Salmon tours the album round Australia in March and April

How Did They Ever Manage:

Northcote Social Club strives to create a safe space that everyone can enjoy.
Crowd surfing & dangerous behaviour will result in removal from the venue.

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